Carolina Youth Action Project’s self-published collection of South Carolina youth literature and artwork.

Named after the native flower that vines and blooms throughout South Carolina, Jessamine intends to interconnect girls, trans youth, and gender nonconforming youth in South Carolina by creating a disbursable project for creative youths to not only contribute to, but also own a copy of their own work. This zine is a printed and digital amalgamation of art, poetry, essays, stories, puzzles, playlists, collage, and anything else you can think of to represent the theme and your voice as a young person.

Each year, a theme is selected and for our second volume, that theme is HEALING.

Scroll down to read more information, check out our first volume, and submit!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a “zine"?

A “zine” (pronounced zeen, like magazine) is typically a handmade, self-published piece of text and images made in small distributions or circulations. Zines have been around for decades, and have been a way for marginalized folks to share uncensored poetry, social commentary, and important information for a long time. Because zines are usually self-made, authors also do not have to encounter as many barriers to publishing, including financial barriers, filtering their content in accordance with white supremacy, homophobia, or other systems of oppression. Zines represent unfiltered, reclaimed power and that’s why we thought a zine would be aligned to this project, our mission, and CYAP’s Core Values.

Who can submit?

Because JESSAMINE is for radical youth in South Carolina, submissions are directed to young people under 20 years old that were born in or raised in South Carolina and hold one or more of the following identities (girl, trans, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, person of color, indigenous, Black, disabled, neurodivergent, and low-income folks). We want to prioritize voices that have been historically marginalized in feminist and art spaces.

What can be submitted?

We are looking for all kinds of art, essays, photography, short stories, poetry, puzzles, AR filters, generative art, selfies—almost anything that you feel embodies the theme! Because we can only accept a maximum number of entries, we want to include as much perspective and storytelling as possible. If you have something but are not sure how to submit or get it to us, send us a message by clicking CONTACT US on the bottom of this page!

Please note that if you submit work that does not at all align with this zine’s mission or Carolina Youth Action Project’s Core Values, such as anything hateful, discriminatory, racist, xenophobic, and/or sexist, your work will not be accepted. We want to build power and community by way of expression, but there is a line when it comes to perpetuating harm or hate against others.

How long do I have to submit?

The call for submissions for 2025 are from March 1st to April 4th. We hope to give young folks enough time outside of school and other commitments to have enough time to work on their pieces.

Is this a paid opportunity?

Yes! All accepted contributors will received $75 and a free copy of the zine! If your work is quite sizable, our team will reach out to you about shifting your stipend to accurately reflect your time and work. Because we’re operating from a small budget and piloting this program for the first time, we encourage contributors to keep their pieces within parameters mentioned above.


Submission Form

It’s recommended to submit from a computer instead of mobile to avoid any technical issues!