Our Core Values 


Youth Power

We believe girls, trans youth, and gender nonconforming youth have the power to organize their communities and develop both the campaigns and infrastructure necessary for radical change in the South. We recognize them as experts of their own experience, support them in developing their leadership, and create spaces for them to build power together.

Political Education

We believe our work is inherently political. We recognize education as a tool to examine the past, critique our existing conditions, mobilize individuals to demand change, and organize our communities to create a safer and more just world. Our praxis is grounded in feminism, anti-racism, and popular education. 

Creative Resistance

We believe that in order to build a world without prisons and the police, we must explore the potential of our shared imagination. We strive to create and resist at the intersection of art, culture, and community organizing. We learn from the legacies of freedom fighters who came before us to more effectively utilize innovative and experimental strategies in our work.  

Transformative Justice

We believe in addressing the root causes of community issues and working together to support all those affected by them. We reject the use of punitive methods that rely on violence and isolation. Instead, we value compassionate practices that seek to address harm and prioritize agency and community accountability. We commit to transforming ourselves, our communities, and the political conditions that reinforce violence and oppression.

Prison Abolition

We believe in a world without prisons and the police; we know these institutions have a devastating impact on and threaten the safety of our communities. Our work aims to critique, resist, and eliminate the carceral state, both structurally and ideologically. We push back against a culture of disposability and the systems that normalize state violence in order to build a world where all of us are free and have what we need.

Collective Liberation

We believe we will only be free when all of our communities are free. We commit to fighting for the liberation of all peoples and fighting against the systems that exploit, endanger, and seek to destroy us. We work to unlearn and dismantle white supremacy, misogyny, capitalism, heteropatriarchy, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, ageism, xenophobia, and other forms of oppression that prevent us from realizing liberation. We understand that our collective liberation, and therefore our collective healing, requires the development of supportive relationships sustained by love, trust, and empathy.